Tuesday 17 February 2015

Just because Positive

Ignoring stereotypes,negativity and the naysayers.Going against the norm by doing things your own way.Yes, you should listen to others but not at the full expense of your own intuition.Throughout life,there will be many times when the world will just go quiet on you and the only thing you can hear is your heartbeat.So you'd better listen and master it's sound;otherwise you will never understand what its telling you.
When so much time is spent concentrating on everyone's perception of you;you focus on what the world is telling you to be instead of being who you really are.You don't have to be someone else to impress and inspire people.Honestly,being just yourself inspires people.What does life matter if you lose yourself along the way?Even mentors do not tell you what to think,they teach you how to think.No,don't look behind,that's not the way you're going keep looking ahead.Don't stress.Do your best.Forget the rest.You are strong because you've known weaknesses.You are wise because you've been foolish.You can laugh because you've known sadness
It's crazy how you always end up where you're meant to be you know.How even the most tragic and stressful situations eventually teach you important lessons you never imagined!Like the saying:often times when things are falling apart, they are actually falling in to place.Just because you're not where you want to be today doesn't mean you won't be there someday.Everything is going to come together maybe not today,but eventually.A bad day is just a bad day,chose not to make it anything more.You will find that it's necessary to let some things go simply for the reason that they're heavy.And there is that contentment with simply not knowing,and being at peace with the notion that everything does not need an explanation.It's incredibly easy to enjoy more of your life right now,no matter what.Don't clamp shackles to your own ankles.
Behind every beautiful day,there is a kind of struggle;you fall,you live,you learn.You're human,not perfect.You've been hurt but you're alive.Think of that precious privilege it is to be alive today-to breathe,to think,to enjoy,to chase things you love.Sometimes there is sadness in your journey but there is also lots of beauty.You must keep putting one foot in front of the other even when it hurts, for you will never know what is waiting for you just around the bend.

Monday 2 February 2015


It's a magical bewitching excitement unlike that of the sun
For things done in the shadows and beneath the fog
Under  bridges and beneath bed sheets
For wild hearts and unconcerned minds
It's the dark alleyways where plans are madee
Where secrets are revealed under the soft haze of light
Coming through the cracks of closed shutters

It's when fugitives escape and kids run away
It's when girls lose their virginities on torn leather seats
It's when boys get in trouble
It's when suffering takes on lives
When the lonely seeks comfort

It's when we see our true desires
When we reflect on our moments of unhapiness
Those yearnings that are momentarily blinded by the sun
It's when we become poets and philosophers
Matyrs and murderers.

It's when we form regrets of days past
That profound hatred for those who hurt us
It's when we choke on our tears
Through deep sobs
That pour onto dark pillow cases

It's for passion
It's for fanaticism romance and trouble
It's when your most tender authentic and suppressed sides
Come out to play  under the nonjudgemental eyes of the stars
It's for those things you could never dream of doing by day
Under the watchful eyes of the sun

It's when you daydream
Those dreams you can't have during the day
Free to play in the open spaces of your mind
It's the most creative time of the day
The most liberating

It's when your most uninhibited
Most passionate sides are explored
It's when your innermost desires are unleashed
When you get freedom
From the taunting exposure of sunlight

It's when there is a dawn
A day in front of you
It's why I don't like mornings
When bleakness of night comes
The daunting end of another day.